About Us

Enhancing the quality of life and preserving natural resources
in Humboldt County, California.

Mission Statement

Citizens for a Sustainable Humboldt (“CSH”) is a volunteer community organization that works to protect and enhance the quality of life and preserve natural resources in Humboldt County, California.  CSH members offer input into local land use decisions in an effort to produce more sensibly planned development projects with fewer environmental and fire safety impacts, and sustainable management of ground and surface waters as a public trust.


Its all about the fish...

Fish are sensitive indicators of physical and chemical habitat degradation, environmental contamination, migration barriers and overall ecosystem productivity. Land use decisions must be predicated on the health of this keystone species.

  • Participate

    To shape policy, weigh in on decisions that will affect the environment and the community.

  • Educate

    To empower and facilitate dialog leading to creative solutions through the dissemination of accurate data and information.

  • Advocate

    To stand for and support the ecosystems that would otherwise have no voice in the process.

  • Litigate

    To pursue democracy in action when injustice occurs.


We will never sell or give your info to anyone. 

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